WEST SPRINGFIELD — The summer break is over for students and staff in West Springfield. When they return to school for the 2024-25 school year there will a number of changes. Some of those changes will also affect parents and caregivers.

The district welcomes back approximately 4,000 students in grades 1-12 on Aug. 29. Kindergarten students will start Sept. 5, and pre-kindergarten students will begin Sept. 9. Prior to the first day of school, the district had a convocation for all staff to review the district priorities, strategic plan and provide other information about the coming school year. 

In addition to new principals at four elementary schools — Fausey, John Ashley, Memorial and Mittineague — there are several other changes.

Starting this school year, the district will introduce its S’More Newsletters. They will be phased in as a new form of communication between schools and parents.

“The newsletters will be used with families and have the ability to be translate into many different languages.,” said School Superintendent Stefania Raschilla. “It is not ready to be used yet, but all families and educators will be informed when it is available.”

West Springfield, like Agawam, is implementing the new My Ride K-12 app to track student bus riders. The app, which can be downloaded to a cell phone, is being provided by the district’s transportation provider, Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative. The technology will allow parents and caregivers to access and receive notifications on estimated times of arrival or departure for assigned buses.

More accessible playgrounds are expected to open in this fall for West Springfield students. The district used American Rescue Plan Act funds to create these new play areas.  Raschilla said the project was a collaborative effort among the School Committee, Central Maintenance, Park and Recreation and school administrators.

The district also could be looking to create an Elementary School Building Committee during the school year. The town is considering replacing John Ashley and Fausey schools with a new elementary school. The Massachusetts School Building Authority recently visited the two schools as part of the second phase of its new school construction program for West Springfield. If MSBA approves the town to enter the third phase, a school building committee could be created that would include parents, students and staff. 

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