South Hadley
‘Big Broadcast’ returns for 20th anniversary show
SOUTH HADLEY — For one Saturday in March, you’re invited to step back in time to the era of Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller, when swing music was all the rage, radio was king, and the broadcasts were live.
Oliveira to continue work on education, transportation, health care
Massachusetts’s new legislative session has begun, and state Sen. Jake Oliveira has his eye on several issues he plans to address over this two-year term. Oliveira, who was first elected to the state Senate in 2022 and reelected in November 2024, said he wants to continue to tackle education, transportation and healthcare.
State Rep. Homar Gomez looks ahead to 2025
EASTHAMPTON — Looking ahead to 2025 Reminder Publishing connected with new state Rep. Homar Gomez to discuss his expectations and hopes for his first year in the state house.
South Hadley Select Board reallocates ARPA funds
SOUTH HADLEY — With 2024 in the past, the South Hadley Select Board discussed its remaining American Rescue Plan Act funds during its meeting on Dec. 17.
South Hadley schools lay out potential FY26 budget public hearing date
SOUTH HADLEY — During the School Committee meeting on Dec. 5, Superintendent Mark McLaughlin and Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Business Operations Jennifer Voyik met with the committee to discuss a public hearing date for the fiscal year 2026 budget.
South Hadley lower tax rate will see higher tax bill for most homeowners
SOUTH HADLEY — During the Dec. 3 Select Board meeting, the board hosted a tax classification public hearing to set a single tax rate of $13.98 for fiscal year 2025.
Herald communities get ready to kick off Christmas season
With Thanksgiving in the past, Chicopee, Holyoke and South Hadley get ready to host their respective tree lighting ceremonies and holiday celebrations.
McCray’s Holiday Light Stroll set to be biggest spectacle yet
SOUTH HADLEY — McCray’s Farm has ramped up its preparations for its third annual Holiday Light Stroll, opening Nov. 29 at 5 p.m. and lasting until Dec. 29 as this year is geared to be bigger and better than ever.
South Hadley residents vote against five of 12 articles at Special Town Meeting
SOUTH HADLEY — At the Special Town Meeting on Nov. 13, South Hadley residents voted against five out of the 12 articles, including all of the proposed zoning bylaws.
Area clerks reveal results following Nov. 5 election
With the election results in, Reminder Publishing connected with cities and towns represented in The Herald to see how their votes broke down.