Town halts Berkshire Avenue land donation process

SOUTHWICK — When the town was conducting a survey on a small parcel of land on Middle Pond that its owner wanted to donate to the town, it found the property’s deed was “convoluted” and has now stopped the process of trying to accept it.

Goulette takes first in Science and Engineering Fair

WESTFIELD — People are still talking about the Science and Engineering Fair hosted in the Westfield High School gym on Jan. 30. It was hard to not be impressed by the enthusiasm of the future scientist, engineers and artists displaying projects and theses they had spent weeks and months and sometimes several years developing. A total of 214 students participated, 66 from Westfield Technical Academy.

Zaret resigns in midst of request for censure

EASTHAMPTON — City Councilor Owen Zaret announced his resignation on Feb. 4 saying it was time for him to seek joy for himself and his family while continuing to look for places where his “efforts and love for the city and the world can be most productive.”

Truth seeker plans to share, celebrate Black history

SOMERS — On Saturday, Feb. 8, the Somers Cultural Commission will celebrate Black History Month with truth seeker Adwoa Bandele-Asante, daughter of the Afrikan Diaspora performing her one-woman live show, “La Amistad: A Fantastic, True-to-Life Journey of Sorrow, Unity & Triumph” at the Somers Public Library, 2 Vision Blvd. from 1-3 p.m.

WMA undergoing renovations, chapel set to be dining hall

WILBRAHAM — Light streams through stained glass windows onto tables of students as they meet and share meals under arched wooden beams. That is the vision for the newest phase of Wilbraham-Monson Academy’s Campus Facilities Master Plan — a dining hall housed in what is now the campus’ chapel, along with a commercial grade kitchen and serving area.

Committee hammers out East Longmeadow’s center town district bylaw

EAST LONGMEADOW — The first steps toward crafting a center town district bylaw were taken at the Jan. 29 Center Town District Steering Committee meeting.

Charter school students use art to explore Black history

WEST SPRINGFIELD — Students at the Hampden Charter School of Science Middle School in West Springfield are learning how art can connect them to others — those who see it now and those who lived long ago.

West Springfield’s grand colleen to be announced Feb. 8

WEST SPRINGFIELD — The West Springfield 2025 grand colleen will be decided Saturday, Feb. 8, at Storrowton in West Springfield.

Soto named interim superintendent as Holyoke eyes local control

HOLYOKE — During the Holyoke School Committee meeting on Jan. 27, Antony Soto was unanimously approved to serve as the interim superintendent.

Gonzalez announces bid for Ward 1 council seat

SPRINGFIELD — Election season is officially underway in Springfield as current School Committee member Joesiah Gonzalez announced that he is running for the Ward 1 City Council seat, which will be up for grabs later this November.

Committee votes to replace Westfield Tech. Academy

WESTFIELD — At a special meeting on Jan. 29, the School Committee unanimously endorsed a motion to authorize Superintendent Stefan Czaporowski to complete a statement of interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority for the replacement of Westfield Technical Academy with the option of consolidation into one high school to replace both high schools.


Dining & Entertainment

What I’m Watching: A romantic comedy extravaganza

My girlfriend and I recently embarked on an epic quest — a binge-watching voyage through the schmaltzy romantic comedy world. Many may jeer at the thought of rom-coms; they are labeled as disposable, artificial and contrived by countless detractors.


New opportunity has me reflecting on the past

This is all a very longwinded way of introducing myself as the new executive editor for Reminder Publishing. It’s hard to explain what I plan to do without first explaining where I’ve been. I suppose a much simpler way to put it is I’m a news man and I always have been, whether I knew it or not.

Why did the BOA need a fresh start?

The Board of Assessors is responsible for determining the fair and equitable valuation of all real and personal property in the town and proposing the tax rate, in accordance with Massachusetts laws. The BOA impacts every residence and business.