Ad campaign questioning where Whip City Fiber profits go
WESTFIELD — A statewide group is calling foul on Westfield’s plans to build $11 million of high school sports fields using revenues from Whip City Fiber, some of which are generated outside Westfield. A new stadium and two renovated fields on the Westfield High School...More aid found for Westfield schools, but jobs will still be cut
WESTFIELD — The School Committee voted 6-1 to approve a budget after adding $1 million from reserve accounts and free cash. Committee member Michael Tirrell, the sole “no” vote on May 6, said he would not support the budget, because he felt strongly that one of the...Free tree planting in Westfield will expand beyond downtown
WESTFIELD — The Greening the Gateway Cities tree planting program, formerly confined to downtown sections of wards 2 and 3, is expanding its eligible planting zone to encompass all environmental justice neighborhoods in Westfield, increasing the area where the state...
Student-built home now finished, purchased in Westfield
WESTFIELD — At the ribbon cutting for the new home at 64 Mill St. built by students of Westfield Technical Academy, Matthew Gomes, head of the construction technology department, took a few minutes to acknowledge the hard work of students in the construction technology, electrical wiring and horticulture technology departments.

Westfield honoree finds comfort zone at Boys & Girls Club
WESTFIELD — When Emily Frangie, 18, began using acrylics years ago to paint landscapes, her skies were dark and the trees forlorn. Sheltering at home and tormented by bullies, painting helped her cope with the loneliness and express what she was feeling.
Frangie is more likely to paint sunshine and blue skies these days. The Westfield teenager has turned her life around and been named Youth of the Year by the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Westfield.