An Honor Guard leads a wreath procession down the steps of City Hall at the May 24 Memorial Day commemoration in Downtown Springfield.
Reminder Publishing photos by Bill Zito
SPRINGFIELD — Under the massive American flag towered by two Fire Department ladder trucks, ceremony and remarks began the city’s Memorial Day weekend observances.
The May 24 commemoration was led by the Central High School Junior ROTC Honor Guard with Director of Springfield Veterans Services Joe DeCaro and Mayor Domenic Sarno offering remarks accompanied by Health and Human Services Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris and retired U.S. Army Sgt. Gumersindo acknowledging.
Police, Fire, city and military officials were in attendance as were members of the Veterans community and their supporters.
Sarno offered his and the city’s thanks to the veteran’s community for their service and sacrifice.
Caulton-Harris acknowledged society’s delay in affirming women’s roles in the military and Gomez spoke to the importance of the day and remembering the price paid by those who were lost.
Remarks were followed by a wreath laying ceremony at the Veterans’ Monuments in Court Square and closed with a 21-gun salute and the performing of taps.