Westfield pickleball courts to welcome tournament, high schoolers
WESTFIELD — The city’s Parks and Recreation Commission voted on Sept. 9 to give Ben Kochanski permission to reserve the eight fenced-in courts at the Municipal Playground to run a pickleball tournament from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5, with a rain date of...Wildlife rehabilitator helps kids open up to ‘one book’
HUNTINGTON — Reading specialist Margaret Petzold arranged a special visit to Littleville Elementary School on Sept. 12 in advance of the school participating in “One School One Book.”
Blandford administrator excited to be ‘making a difference’
BLANDFORD — Town officials and neighbors gathered at the new patio outside the Porter Memorial Library on Sept. 10 to get acquainted with Cristina Ferrera, the new town administrator who started in the position on July 8.
Still together after 60 years, Southwick class of ’64 readies for reunion
SOUTHWICK — The Southwick High School class of 1964 reunion committee has been busy meeting to plan a weekend of events for the 60th reunion on the weekend of Sept. 20-22. Actually, the committee never stopped meeting. The members of the original committee that organized itself 60 years ago are all still active.