This article in The Reminder calls for civil thinking in our political campaign to choose an administration to lead America. “Memes are no way to pick a candidate.” I looked up the definition of “Memes” as an image, a video, a text, or a quote that is spread quickly on the internet. In politics a meme uses humorous names or descriptions to score points for their guy while knocking down the opponent. Memes are objectionable to the author of this opinion but lies about swinging an election in a court room is “saving democracy.” Ignored are DAs who campaign with the goal of finding still unknown evidence to convict a political opponent. Ignored are media efforts that supports Russian collusion conspiracies against a politician even after the lie is exposed. Ignored is the print media, TV, and social media that manipulates, censors, or simply squashes news that shines an unfavorable light on their guy. Ignored is the government and its impartial FBI, CIA, DOJ, and IRS that withhold evidence, ignores evidence to expire, and even pens a letter that the evidence they have in their possession is foreign interference and should be IGNORED. All of these points are uncovered with time and yet the egregious liar is still Donald Trump as he continues to claim the “stolen election.”

The author objects to memes calling President Biden a “near corpse” as silly. The name calling of xenophobic, Nazi, or racist is fine when applied to the opponent. The near corpse name is not nearly as bad as the Biden staff and VP who withheld the truth about what his daily frailties showed them and who was writing this administration’s policies? It’s all a big surprise to them in the last few weeks of the sudden Biden deficiencies and now this article wants us to believe the heroic patriots who saved the American democracy by asking the president to step aside. Think of movie “The Godfather” staring Joe Biden as the band leader refusing to let his star go and the Democratic leaders played by Vito Corleone and Luca Brasi. What was the offer made to Biden that he could not refuse? We will never know.

The final gasping moment of this Memes drama is when the article asks you, “If you are still undecided do some research. Look at what Biden-Harris have done in this term and look at what Trump did. The proof is in their accomplishments.” The “accomplishments” won’t be itemized and are better highlighted by the polling percentages of the question, “Is America headed in the right direction?” 70% say NO. A better indication of the Biden-Harris accomplishments is the total re-branding, reinterpretation of the Kamala Harris campaign to rewrite her part in the last four years as we didn’t really see what we just saw. Her involvement in policy is much like her Border Czar leadership. A resounding success accomplishment not seen since their Afghanistan withdraw.

Rich Hilbert


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