Tedious chores, car trouble and the art of staying sane
The other day I wandered into the kitchen and calmly told my wife I have had it with chores. Of course, I would never stop doing the laundry, cleaning the house, paying bills and arranging for someone else to do yardwork.
New opportunity has me reflecting on the past
This is all a very longwinded way of introducing myself as the new executive editor for Reminder Publishing. It’s hard to explain what I plan to do without first explaining where I’ve been. I suppose a much simpler way to put it is I’m a news man and I always have been, whether I knew it or not.
Why I resigned from the BOA
I am writing this letter to explain to the residents of Longmeadow why I have resigned as the Chairperson of the Board of Assessors in Longmeadow.
Why did the BOA need a fresh start?
The Board of Assessors is responsible for determining the fair and equitable valuation of all real and personal property in the town and proposing the tax rate, in accordance with Massachusetts laws. The BOA impacts every residence and business.