Southwick OKs higher budget to pay salaries of de-merged jobs
SOUTHWICK — There were only a handful of “no” votes heard as fewer than 100 residents gathered May 21 to act on 22 articles at the Annual Town Meeting. Each was approved. Voters agreed to 8% or 9% increases in the general government, public safety and human...
Southwick Select Board, School Committee chairs both re-elected
SOUTHWICK — The chairs of the Select Board and the School Committee both retained their elected seats on May 14, but one race was much closer than the other.
Fund transfers, library lawn project on warrant in Southwick
SOUTHWICK — When residents gather to vote the town’s business on May 21, they will be asked to consider five articles during Special Town Meeting and 23 articles on the Annual Town Meeting warrant. The Special Town Meeting will begin at 6:15 p.m. and the Annual...
Painting parties introduce new artists, support food pantries
Since December, the Agawam Community Artists and Artisans have been hosting “paint and sip”-style workshops to raise money for local food banks. Known as “Art with a Heart,” ACAA President Ceil Rossi described them as a “two-and-a-half-hour paint party.”
Southwick parent calls for federal probe of racial incidents
SOUTHWICK — The mother of a Black student who says she has endured racial epithets and abuse from fellow students at Southwick Regional School has filed a federal civil rights complaint against the school district. Allyson Lopez believes district administrators...
Southwick prepared to sign contract for fiber-optic network
SOUTHWICK — After several months of work, the town’s High Speed Internet Committee has finalized the first “make ready work” contract needed to move the town’s broadband fiber network project forward. Select Board Chair Douglas Moglin, who also chairs the network...
School Committee candidates in Southwick detail priorities
SOUTHWICK — One of the seats for the Southwick representative on the Regional School Committee is up for grabs during this town’s annual municipal election, as incumbent Robert Stevenson is being challenged by Kim Perron. Stevenson has been a physical therapist for...
Most candidates on Southwick’s May 14 ballot have no opponents
SOUTHWICK — Only two of the 12 seats on the town’s May 14 ballot will have contested races. The current chair of the Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School Committee, Robert Stevenson, will face a challenge from Kimberly Anne Perron, the wife of Select Board...
Southwick chooses DPW office manager as new town clerk
SOUTHWICK — In a 2-1 vote, the Select Board on April 22 chose Christina Myette as the new town clerk. Board Chair Douglas Moglin and member Jason Perrone favored Myette, while board member Diane Gale supported Holly Hebda. With Myette, for the first time in over...
Land trust for Southwick starts with cleanup day, logo contest
SOUTHWICK — A new nonprofit organization will raise money from private donors to purchase land in town, protecting it from development. Maryssa Cook-Obregon, president of the Southwick Land Trust, says her group has nine members so far and is soliciting for new...