
Somers Town Wide Tag Sale returns on Oct. 5

SOMERS — This fall, the Somers Town Wide Tag Sale returns on Saturday, Oct. 5, rain or shine. Each person that participates chooses their time and are provided with a listing of all the locations by street name in alphabetical order, which will be posted on the town website (somersct.gov) and Facebook page on Thursday, Oct. 3.

The countdown begins to the Four Town Fair

SOMERS — The Four Town Fair, the oldest continuous agricultural fair in Connecticut, will be returning to 56 Egypt Rd. in Somers on Sept. 12 from 4-10 p.m., Sept. 13 from 4-11 p.m., Sept. 14 from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Sept. 15 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Enfield and Somers to host National Night Out Aug. 6

ENFIELD/SOMERS — National Night Out is a community-building campaign that is run all over the country, promoting police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. It is typically hosted on the first Tuesday of the month of August. The event was established by Matt Peskin in the western suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and has taken place annually since 1984.