RUSSELL — Voters in Russell will decide on 10 warrant articles at the Annual Town Meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, June 10, at Russell Elementary School. The majority of the articles in this year’s meeting will allow the normal business of the town to continue under the direction of the Board of Selectmen.

Article 1, the election of officers, was determined by voters in the municipal election on June 3 with the exception of two members of the Finance Committee, to be elected by vote at the June 10 Town Meeting, as declared in Article 2.

Articles 3 and 4 instruct the town to raise the necessary sums of money to defray town charges for the ensuing year and to make appropriations; and to fix the salaries and compensations of elected officers.

Article 5 authorizes the Board of Selectmen to appoint any member to town office, and to fix the salaries and wages of such authorized officials.

Article 6 authorizes the town treasurer to borrow money with the approval of the selectmen in anticipation of fiscal year 2025 revenues, and to issue a note or notes payable within one year.

Article 7 authorizes the Board of Selectmen to enter into contracts with state and federal agencies for construction and maintenance of public highways, and to spend state and federal road grants.

Article 8 authorizes the town to spend $2,442,653 for Russell’s statutory assessment to the Gateway Regional School District for 2024-25.

Article 9 authorizes the town to spend $284,073, plus $400,000 from free cash, for Russell’s vocational school tuition and transportation for FY25, or to accept a sum less than $684,073 for Russell vocational school tuition.

Article 10 asks authorization for the town to transfer the sum of $250,000 from free cash to the stabilization fund.

Article 11 asks voters to consider any matter of public interest that may legally come before the Town Meeting.

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