Southwick Select Board member Diane Gale served as one of the waiters during the Friends of the Senior Center barbecue on Sept. 19.
Reminder Publishing photo by Cliff Clark
SOUTHWICK — Nearly 100 clients of the town’s Senior Center enjoyed a barbecue lunch and live music during the center’s annual get-together on Sept. 19 at Whalley Park.
“Everyone seemed to have a great time,” said Lisa Anderson, the newly appointed director of the Senior Center.
Anderson, along with Select Board member Diane Gale, town Chief Administrative Officer Nicole Parker, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Nadine Cignoni, and Council on Aging staff member and Parks and Recreation Director Cara Cartello, donned their waiter hats, and took food orders from the seniors.

Reminder Publishing photo by Cliff Clark
“Thank goodness they were so patient,” Anderson said with a chuckle, of the seniors who talked among themselves while waiting for the lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, and potato salad prepared by the Westfield-based North Elm Butcher Block food truck.
The group was entertained by Myles Reed and the Pitoniak Brothers, who performed a mix of pop and country music.
The annual event was also another chance for the seniors to get to know Anderson, who is still settling into her new position, after being appointed by the Select Board in late July.
“I think she’ll do great,” said Southwick resident Marie Alamed, who attended the barbecue lunch with her longtime friend Chere Wilson, who nodded her head in agreement.
“We are so happy to have her,” said Council on Aging Chair Paula LeBlanc about Anderson.
LeBlanc added that she has gotten a lot of positive feedback from the center’s clients about Anderson’s leadership.
While everyone was enjoying lunch, raffle tickets were being sold for a “scratch-off” tree, which was a three-foot artificial tree adorned with $100 worth of state Lottery scratch tickets.
Associate Council on Aging member Elaine Boucher had the winning ticket.
Anderson, who won the raffle during last year’s event, said the money raised by the raffle will be used fund activities at the center.
The event was sponsored by the Friends of the Senior Center.