MassTrails grant to explore mixed-use path from Whately to Amherst
Thanks to a recently awarded MassTrails grant, the town of Sunderland will soon begin exploration of a mixed-use path from Whately to Amherst.
Thanks to a recently awarded MassTrails grant, the town of Sunderland will soon begin exploration of a mixed-use path from Whately to Amherst.
SHUTESBURY — On June 11, Construction Dynamics, located in Clinton, was chosen as general contractor for the Shutesbury library project. The company’s winning bid was $6.386 million.
LEVERETT — Three lionesses were feeding on a water buffalo when Jackie and David Pueschel made it to an overlook. David said the crunch of bones in the dusk, “was a bit unsettling.”
LEVERETT — Residents Steve Wiess and Eva Gibavic, representing the Rattlesnake Gutter Trust, or RTG, came before the Selectboard last week to begin the process of applying for grant monies to pay for future uses of the former road.
LEVERETT — Last month at the annual Town Meeting, voters opted in favor of Article 11, which funded an assessment of Leverett’s graveyards and cemeteries for $4,500 in Community Preservation Act monies.
LEVERETT — During the coronavirus pandemic the Ashram of Light, a small spiritual center in Amherst, pulled up stakes and moved into a house near the New England Peace Pagoda in Leverett. With all the disruption around COVID-19, the leader of the group, GurujiMa, didn’t get the chance to formally introduce herself to the community.