My name is Maury Garrett, and I write in support of my friend, Dr. Andrew Lam, who I affectionately refer to as Andrew, for his candidacy for Select Board in Longmeadow. I am currently an appointed member of the Longmeadow Finance Committee, having served nine years, including several years as committee chairperson, as well as vice chair and secretary, all those years serving with Andrew. I also have coached and/or have served as a board member for multiple youth sports in Longmeadow, including football, baseball and basketball.

I know firsthand that Andrew has worked more tirelessly in the service of Longmeadow, as a resident and community member, and as a member of the town government. From the project to revitalize and repurpose the historic Young Mansion on the Town Green, to his stewardship of the Finance Committee’s tax-levy policy, to his service as a trustee of Bay Path College, Andrew Lam has been an invaluable asset to Longmeadow. It has been my honor to serve alongside Dr. Lam on the Finance Committee. Andrew Lam has been one of the most active, engaged, well-informed and dedicated Finance Committee members I have ever served on.

Besides being honest, hardworking, and intelligent, Andrew has proven himself to be an exemplary leader, willing to lead by example and most importantly, willing to change his mind after hearing the latest vital information. One of the hallmarks of Andrew’s tenure on the Finance Committee was commitment to careful management of Longmeadow tax dollars. Andrew worked alongside me on the Finance Committee to develop the current, long-term fiscal/tax policy, particularly in avoiding the infamous tax-ceiling “fiscal cliff”. In our meetings, Andrew was always the one to ask the tough questions and consider all alternatives before making decisions.

Another consistent characteristic of Andrew Lam, which set him apart, was that he always took the initiative to take extra time outside of meetings to seek additional information on projects. Just one recent example, when the playground reconstruction proposal was on the Town Meeting warrant, Andrew traveled to inspect finished construction projects of neighboring towns’ playgrounds, to study the results and costs involved.

In keeping with his steady record of committed service, Andrew, a published author, has drafted informative articles on critical issues like the new DPW facility and other major town projects. Serving multiple years as Chairperson, Dr. Lam also wrote clear and concise letters on behalf of the Finance Committee to the Select Board and School Committee to relay important budget analysis and recommendations.

During Andrew’s time on the Finance Committee, there have been many changes for the betterment of Longmeadow, due to his dedication and service. Andrew Lam is exactly the kind of person we want and need on our Select Board. I hope that you will all join in voting for him in this upcoming election.
Maury M. Garrett Jr.