The recent opinion column in The Reminder by Editor Chris Maza addressed the Massachusetts ballot Question 1 approved by the voters in the November 2024 election.

Question 1 asked the voters to approve the Massachusetts State Auditor to audit the state Legislature. The initiative was an attempt to show transparency, accountability and accessibility to the Massachusetts taxpayers.

Question 1 passed overwhelmingly with 72% of the voters approving the state auditor to conduct audits of the elected state Legislature yet to this date State House leaders, state reps and state senators continue to resist the implementation of this audit which totally disrespects the will of the voters and access what an audit would reveal.

The Massachusetts State House is controlled by 90% Democrats, so the issue is not a partisan one as State Auditor Diana Dizoglio is a Democrat who is asking the State House leaders and state attorney general to respect to respect the voters who approved the state audit last audit.

Fran Bogdanowicz

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