West Springfield
Fill the Food Bank returns for second year April 1
CHICOPEE — In collaboration with the Greater Westfield, Greater Holyoke, West of the River, ERC5/East of the River and Springfield Regional Chambers of Commerce, the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts announced the second annual Fill the Food Bank event on Tuesday, April 1 from 5-7 p.m.
Nonprofit testifies in favor of pilot lending program
SPRINGFIELD — Springfield-based nonprofit Common Capital has provided over 900 loans totaling over $35 million to small businesses in Western Massachusetts since its inception in 1990, leading to the creation or retainment of 2,200 jobs.
Johnson, Reichelt share budget and project updates
AGAWAM — With essentially no free money coming from the federal government anymore, West Springfield Mayor William Reichelt said a significant increase to the town’s fiscal year 2026 budget is unlikely to happen.
Newest Delaney’s Market reinvigorates blighted property
WEST SPRINGFIELD — The sun was shining on West Springfield as Mayor Will Reichelt and Linda Rosskothen cut a wide, red ribbon, officially opening the newest Delaney’s Market location at 334 Park St.
Accomplished young pianists perform at Carnegie Hall
WEST SPRINGFIELD — Five local music students recently earned a chance to have the experience of a lifetime: playing piano on stage at the famed Carnegie Hall concert venue in New York City.
Resolution seeks relief from ‘escalating utility prices’
WEST SPRINGFIELD — One of the hottest issues among residents in West Springfield this winter has been the high cost of electricity and gas for heating homes. Residents have been demanding local and state leaders take action to provide relief from these higher costs.
Board of Health, business owners find middle ground on tobacco regs
WEST SPRINGFIELD — After hearing from a half-dozen business owners at a public hearing on Feb. 19, the West Springfield Board of Health compromised on amendments to the town’s tobacco regulations that would have limited the sale of nicotine pouches, which contain nicotine-infused sodium and flavoring, to adult-only retailers and ban smoking bars in West Side.
West Springfield hoping to purchase parcel for police station
WEST SPRINGFIELD — The town of West Springfield is hoping to purchase the 99 Westfield St. parcel from Walgreens so it can use it for their future police station.
Colleen mix-up creates chaos at West Side’s coronation event
WEST SPRINGFIELD — The evening of Feb. 8 was supposed to be an evening to celebrate the crowning of a new colleen who will represent West Springfield and the St. Patrick’s Committee of West Springfield. Instead, the coronation event turned into a night of confusion.
Traffic amendment approved after two objections
WEST SPRINGFIELD — After objecting to a proposed traffic rule on Woodmont Street twice, the Town Council approved the proposal at its Feb. 3 meeting.