Book fair connects community with local authors
Dr. Jim Price was one of the authors participating in the “Cultural Connections: A celebration of Black and Brown Literature” conduced on Nov. 2 in Springfield.Reminder Publishing photos by G. Michael Dobbs SPRINGFIELD — For a second year the “Cultural Connections:...
AIC athletes host trunk-or-treat for local families
SPRINGFIELD — American International College student-athletes hosted a Halloween trick-or-treating event for children on Nov. 1 before the football team’s game against Assumption College. In addition to a safe trick-or-treating experience, all families attending were given free admission to the game.
Forest Park grandstand reno, horticultural center fundraising underway
SPRINGFIELD — The noise of construction filled the air in Forest Park during an Oct. 28 press conference with U.S. Rep. Richard Neal and Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno, but this spring those sounds will be replaced with the crack of a baseball bat and the cheer of the crowd.
Forest Park residents celebrate Halloween with party, parade
SPRINGFIELD — The Forest Park Civic Association invited residents of the Forest Park Neighborhood to its annual halloween party and parade at the Garfield Street Triangle at the intersection of Garfield, Fairfield, and Greenleaf streets on Oct. 26.
Neal, MassDOT announce $36.8M for East-West Rail
SPRINGFIELD — Springfield has moved a little closer to becoming the central hub of a statewide passenger rail system known as Compass Rail.
Residents, officials urge Parker Street drivers: ‘Check Your Speed’
SPRINGFIELD — A steady flow of vehicles streamed along Parker Street in both directions. It was rush hour on Oct. 28 and drivers were pouring past the Greenleaf Community Center.
Bright Nights heading into 30th year as Springfield tradition
SPRINGFIELD — It may be hard to remember for many, but there was a time before lights adorned Forest Park each holiday season, before carfuls of families inched along the wooded, winding roads, oohing and ahhing and pointing out their favorite illuminations.
Toy for Joy kicks off 102nd season, aims for $150k
Every year, the generosity of residents and businesses across Western Massachusetts brings smiles and happiness to hundreds of families and thousands of children who would otherwise not know the joy of the Christmas holiday season.
Early voting up as city prepares for Election Day, Nov. 5
SPRINGFIELD — Springfield is a city with 118,023 registered voters. On Nov. 5, they will take to the polls in 42 places across the city. It is Springfield Election Commissioner and City Clerk Gladys Oyola-Lopez’s job to make sure that process goes smoothly.
‘Humble’ Athas appreciative of honorary street sign
SPRINGFIELD — Stephen Athas, 75, is no middle-of-the-road guy, that’s why they named a street after him in Springfield.