Neal defeats activist opponent, secures 19th term in House
The morning after the Nov. 5 election, while control of the U.S. House of Representatives was still in the air, the outcome in Massachusetts’ First Congressional District was clear. U.S. Rep. Richard Neal (D-Springfield) won a 19th term, his sixth representing the westernmost district in the state.
Consultant to help craft Congamond flood plan
SOUTHWICK — The federal Natural Resources Conservation Service will hire a consultant to survey Congamond Lake in person to settle on a flooding plan.
Southwick survey to gauge interest for fiber-optic network
SOUTHWICK — Select Board members want a better understanding of public opinion before they ask Town Meeting to decide on a $15 million bond to build a town-owned fiber-optic network. “I’m reluctant to say today that we should put it on the town warrant until I get...
Early voting underway in Southwick as Nov. 5 election nears
SOUTHWICK — Though not every legislator has an opponent, voters in Southwick have several choices to make on their Nov. 5 election ballots, or during early voting sessions. At the top of the ballot is a six-way contest for United States president, featuring...
Southwick considering potential winter Town Meeting
SOUTHWICK — Town officials are considering a Special Town Meeting this winter to address several proposals, including land acquisition near the Southwick Historical Museum and design work for a major masonry repair at Town Hall. At an Oct. 15 meeting, interim...
Bond for fiber-optic network in Southwick Select Board’s hands
SOUTHWICK — At the last meeting of the High Speed Internet Committee, its members agreed the decision to embark on the five-year project will be made by Town Meeting next May if the Select Board agrees to put forth an article to authorize borrowing of $15 million...
Mark, Rosa making final push in state senate campaign
With less than two weeks before the general election on Nov. 5, Reminder Publishing reached out to the two candidates for the state Senate seat covering Berkshire County and the westernmost towns of Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties, Democratic incumbent...
State senator candidate questions, answers with Paul Mark
Reminder Publishing sent questionnaires to both candidates for state senator in the Berkshire, Hampden, Franklin and Hampshire District, which covers the town of Southwick and most of the Berkshires and Hilltowns, including Blandford, Chester, Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, Granville, Huntington, Otis, Tolland, Westhampton, Williamsburg, Whately and Worthington.
Warren, Deaton spar in debate ahead of U.S. Senate election
SPRINGFIELD — U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Cambridge) and John Deaton, her challenger for the Massachusetts Senate seat, sparred in a contentious debate in Springfield on Oct. 17.
‘Lot of unknowns’ in search for lead in Southwick water lines
SOUTHWICK — Over the past year, the town’s Department of Public Works, with the help of outside contractors, has been tracking down what material was used for the water lines going into every home connected to the public water system to determine if lead was used,...