In the never-ending quest to reduce traffic fatalities to zero, state agencies are constantly monitoring crash data throughout the region to identify intersections of concerns and provide mitigation if needed.

“We are constantly looking for [crash] patterns and when we begin to see them, we start looking at how to control those patterns at intersections and look for ways to mitigate the conditions,” said Gary Roux, a principal planner and traffic manager for the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission.

The PVPC works closely with the state’s Department of Transportation to find safety solutions for intersections with a high number of crashes — and there are plenty in the Pioneer Valley.

In the most recent data published in 2020 by MassDOT listing the state’s most dangerous intersections, Springfield had 23 intersections on the list compared to seven Boston intersections.

After that data was released, the PVPC and MassDOT began collectively designing solutions to the crash-prone intersections.

Roux said when designing safety mitigation for problematic intersections, traffic engineers analyze factors like time, road condition, lighting, and contributing factors like distracted driving and citations that may have been issued to the drivers involved.

After Roux was provided the top 10 dangerous intersections in our region, he was asked to provide what mitigation measures have been taken since to reduce fatalities and to lower an overall crash score called “Equivalent Property Damage Only” or EPDO of an intersection using criteria mandated by Federal Highway Administration.

The EPDO score defines the “societal cost” of a vehicle crash and takes into account expenses related to property damage, medical treatment, emergency services, legal proceedings, and lost productivity.

If a crash results in a fatality or serious injury, that is represented in the EPDO and drives up the overall score.

Below are the top 10 most dangerous intersections, total crashes, EPDO score, fatalities or serious injuries, and Roux’s information on the mitigation measures for each.

1.) Springfield — Intersection of Main and Plainfield streets, which is the onramp to Interstate 91 North when leaving Springfield.
Total crashes: 39
EPDO: 479
Fatal and/or injury crashes: 22
Mitigation: This intersection was upgraded a few years ago. MassDOT also made changes to pavement markings in the vicinity of the I-91 ramps.

2.) Holyoke — Intersection of High and Cabot streets
Total crashes: 57
EPDO: 477
Fatal and/or injury crashes: 21
Mitigation: MassDOT is working with the city of Holyoke to develop a design to improve this location. It will consider improvements along High and Maple streets in downtown Holyoke.

3.) Springfield — Intersection of St. James Avenue and St. James Boulevard
Total crashes: 40
EPDO: 460
Fatal and/or injury crashes: 21
Mitigation: An intersection improvement project was funded as part of the fiscal year 2020 Transportation Improvement Program, TIP. This is currently under construction.

4.) Westfield — Intersection of Holyoke and Springdale roads
Total crashes: 41
EPDO: 421
Fatal and/or injury crashes: 19
Mitigation: Flashing stop signs were installed at the intersection in both directions in 2021.

5.) Springfield — Intersection of St. James Avenue and Tarpley Street
Total crashes: 41
EPDO: 421
Fatal and/or injury crashes: 19
Mitigation: This location is currently under construction. Traffic control equipment will be upgraded.

6.) Springfield — Armory Circle and Armory Street
Total crashes: 25
EPDO: 405
Fatal and/or injury crashes: 19
Mitigation: This is the Armory Street rotary, Exit 3 on Interstate 291. It is currently under design for safety improvements and proposed to be funded via the TIP in FY28. It is proposed to signalize the existing “STOP” controlled intersections, upgrade all existing signals, and construct new sidewalks.

7.) Springfield — Intersection of Magazine and Lincoln streets
Total crashes: 32
EPDO: 392
Fatal and/or injury crashes: 18

8.) Springfield — Intersection of Boston Road and Bay streets
Total crashes: 34
EPDO: 374
Fatal and/or injury crashes: 17

9.) Granby — Intersection of East State and School streets
Total crashes: 36
EPDO: 356
Fatal and/or injury crashes: 16
Mitigation: These locations are currently under construction. MassDOT is upgrading the existing traffic signals at the 5 Corners intersection of West State with Pleasant and Amherst street. It is also constructing a roundabout at the intersection of East State Street with School street.

10.) Chicopee — Intersection of Memorial Drive and Pendleton Avenue
Total crashes: 45
EPDO: 345
Fatal and/or injury crashes: 15
Mitigation: MassDOT completed an extensive upgrade of all traffic control equipment along the Memorial Drive corridor a few years ago.

Notable intersection improvement
While the Springfield intersection of Bay Street and Berkshire Avenue was not in the top 10 in crash severity, it is currently being renovated.

The intersection was 157 on the top 200 intersection crash list with total crashes of 24, an EPDO score of 264, and 12 fatal or serious injury crashes.

The upgrades will consist of replacing traffic signals, new pavement, and concrete sidewalks, according to the Springfield DPW’s website.

Other improvements will include bicycle and bus accommodations, additional turn lanes, pavement markings, signage and landscaping. The construction was funded by MassDOT through the Pioneer Valley Region’s Transportation Improvement Program at a cost of approximately $1,800,000, according to the Springfield DPW website.

Fatal crash data
As one might expect, MassDOT and the PVPC document every fatal crash in the region to look for crash patterns at intersections and area roadways.

While there had been an expectation that fatal crashes might decrease when coronavirus pandemic restrictions were implemented in late 2020, which significantly reduced the amount of traffic on area roads, Roux provided data that showed fatalities increased in 2021 and 2022.

“It was a large concern,” Roux said.

Between 2013 and 2020, Hampden and Hampshire County had an average of 42 fatal crashes each year, with 2015 having the fewest at 34 and 47 in 2020.

In Hampden County in 2021 there were 53 fatal crashes and six in Hampshire County. In 2022, there were 52 fatal crashes in Hampden County and eight in Hampshire County. This increase was seen throughout the nation and was attributed largely an increased in impaired driving, speeding and failure to wear a seat belt, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Annual crashes in area towns and cities
The crash data was compiled by MassDOT between 2013 and 2022. Agawam, 600; Amherst, 362; Belchertown, 214; Blandford, 69; Chester, 16; Chicopee, 1,765; East Longmeadow, 343; Granby, 169; Granville, 7; Hadley, 339; Holyoke, 1,730; Huntington, 23; Ludlow, 533; Monson, 38; Montgomery, 14; Palmer, 251; Russell, 43; South Hadley, 212; Southwick, 131; Springfield, 4,434; Tolland, 2; Ware, 200; West Springfield, 787; Westfield, 705; and Wilbraham, 298.

cclark@thereminder.com | + posts