RUSSELL — Library Director Dawne Piers-Gamble has announced that the Russell Public Library has officially joined the Central and Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing system.
Library card-holding Russell residents will be eligible to borrow over 8 million items from the library consortium, made up of 160 libraries, with convenient pick up and returns. Residents may sign up anytime.
New at the library is an ongoing community puzzle set up in the front room for adults, who are invited to stay a while and sip a warm drink from the coffee table while they work. The library has also created a special space for tweens and teens. It is a place for quiet reading or conversation, game playing or homework.
Upcoming events for adults include a Technology Help session Friday, Feb. 7 from 5 to 7 p.m., to help individuals with their technology questions. Residents may bring their phone, laptop or tablet to learn an app and/or get the tech support they need.
Kids, ages 3 to 9, may join Ms. Jennifer at the RPLibrary on Feb. 8, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., for “Do you Want to Build a Snowman?” If there is snow, there will be a celebration, if not the library will make fun with a winter story, snack, games and a snowman craft project. Register by email, call 413-862-6221 and leave a message, or come in and sign up at the library by Feb. 6.
For adults who suffer or know someone who has experienced Seasonal Affective Disorder? (SAD), an informational session presented by the Hilltown Community Ambulance on Tuesday, Feb. 11, from 6-8 p.m. This presentation represents a partnership between Western Hampden County Public Health District the Hilltown Community Ambulance. Register by email, call 413-862-6221 and leave a message, or come in and sign up at the library by Feb. 7.
Families are welcome to join the RPLibrary in collaboration with the WMA Appalachian Mountain Club for a Family Skate and Pizza Party at Amelia Park in Westfield, during the public skate on Tuesday, Feb. 18 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Skates and admission will be free for children. Adults pay $9 for admission and $5 for skate rental. Skating will be followed by a pizza party and book give away. It is recommended that all children wear a helmet. Dress in layers. Register by email, or sign up at the library by Feb. 11.
For tweens and teens, join Ms. Kate on Feb. 21, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. to learn the basics of crochet, and make your own decoration or stuffed animal using the supplies provided. Snacks and drinks for participants will be provided. Register by email, call 413-862-6221 and leave a message, or come in and sign up at the library by Feb. 19.