From left Rob Levesque of R. Levesque Associates, Huntington Zoning Board Chair Karon Hathaway, William Hull and Dennis Nolt of Hilltown Sand & Gravel at the Aug. 13 public hearing in Stanton Hall on the Goss Hill gravel pit proposal.
Reminder Publishing photo by Amy Porter

HUNTINGTON — The Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a continued public hearing on a special permit for a proposed 4.9-acre gravel pit at 61 Goss Hill Rd. on land owned by William B. Hull Forestlands on Jan. 21 at 6 p.m. in Stanton Hall.

On the agenda is the status of consultant proposals, including a traffic study, noise study and silica study. At the previous hearing on Nov. 12, Karon Hathaway, chair of the ZBA, said the boards would be asking for a continuance because they had not finished getting the information they sought from consultants. They had previously identified nine studies, but are currently pursuing the three listed on the Jan. 21 agenda.

“The process is not going as quickly as I hoped,” Hathaway said in November. Hull and attorney Michael Pill, who is representing the company, formally agreed to the continuance at the meeting.

This month, Hathaway said that the ZBA has submitted the Bowman traffic study to Hull Forestland LLC. for review and next steps. The ZBA is also reviewing the bids from Cross-Spectrum Acoustics, Tech Environmental and HMMH for noise studies to select one of them to send to Hull Forestland LLC.

“We are still searching for a silica study consultant. Once the studies have been submitted to Hull Forestland LLC and Bill Hull agrees, he signs and pays for the studies to be done,” Hathaway said.

Asked if she knew when a vote might be taken, Hathaway said, “Once the studies have been completed and the ZBA members can make an informed decision on the studies, then a vote will be taken — unknown timeline at this point.”

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