Hilltown Hikers embrace adventure, conservation, history
The Western Mass. Hilltown Hikers’ next group hike will be at Granville Gorge in Southwick and Granville on July 20 at 10 a.m. The hike rating is moderate, an approximately 3.5 mile loop with 600 feet of elevation gain, a brook crossing, and one steep climb to the vista.
STGRSD starting Acceptance and Compassion panel
SOUTHWICK — While administrators were responding to alleged incidents of racism at Southwick Regional School in February, School Committee Chair Robert Stevenson said he wanted to create a committee of community members to strengthen bonds among stakeholders in the district.
Survivor’s play about abuse by priest to premiere in Chester
CHESTER — The Chester Theatre Company will present the world premiere of “Unreconciled,” July 4-14 on stage in the historical Chester Town Hall, 15 Middlefield Rd.
Chester students learn about nature in visit to Westfield River
CHESTER — Volunteer and Project Coordinator Meredyth Babcock from the Wild and Scenic Westfield River Committee made quite a splash at the Chester Elementary School as they engaged students in a three-hour hands-on river ecology and stream study on June 14, said school Principal Vanna Maffuccio.
Elks honor Russell teen for contest-winning patriotic essay
WESTFIELD — Makaylah Motyl thought she was in trouble when she was called to the principal’s office at Gateway Regional Middle School. Instead, she received a check as a winner in an essay contest sponsored by the local Elks lodge.
Russell voters question increase in vocational school tuition
RUSSELL — Thirty-three registered voters attended the Annual Town Meeting on July 10, surpassing the quorum of 25 that were needed to approve the town’s fiscal year 2025 budget of $5.74 million,, an increase of approximately $300,000 over FY24.
Westfield, Sharon young writers inspire Littleville Elementary students
HUNTINGTON — Littleville Elementary School reading specialist Margaret Petzold arranged a special visit to the school on June 11 from two young authors to speak to second and third graders about writing.
Valedictorian lived Gateway ‘to the fullest’ in sports, classes
HUNTINGTON — Alexi Bonenfant of Westfield is the valedictorian for the Gateway Regional High School class of 2024. Bonenfant is the daughter of Matthew Bonenfant, Gateway’s athletic director. She started attending Gateway schools in first grade.
Police funding, livestock bylaw spark Montgomery debate
HUNTINGTON — Montgomery’s Annual Town Meeting, which was rescheduled from May 20 to June 5 and moved to Gateway Regional High School due to a turnout that had exceeded capacity at Town Hall, brought 143 registered voters to Huntington for the meeting.
Huntington debates employee salaries, budget, backhoe
HUNTINGTON —With an unusually large amount of free cash available this year to the town, most of the discussion from residents during Town Meeting last week was on several articles on the warrant related to using it for increase town employee salaries and fund...