Russell voters question increase in vocational school tuition
RUSSELL — Thirty-three registered voters attended the Annual Town Meeting on July 10, surpassing the quorum of 25 that were needed to approve the town’s fiscal year 2025 budget of $5.74 million,, an increase of approximately $300,000 over FY24.
Westfield, Sharon young writers inspire Littleville Elementary students
HUNTINGTON — Littleville Elementary School reading specialist Margaret Petzold arranged a special visit to the school on June 11 from two young authors to speak to second and third graders about writing.
Valedictorian lived Gateway ‘to the fullest’ in sports, classes
HUNTINGTON — Alexi Bonenfant of Westfield is the valedictorian for the Gateway Regional High School class of 2024. Bonenfant is the daughter of Matthew Bonenfant, Gateway’s athletic director. She started attending Gateway schools in first grade.
Police funding, livestock bylaw spark Montgomery debate
HUNTINGTON — Montgomery’s Annual Town Meeting, which was rescheduled from May 20 to June 5 and moved to Gateway Regional High School due to a turnout that had exceeded capacity at Town Hall, brought 143 registered voters to Huntington for the meeting.
Huntington debates employee salaries, budget, backhoe
HUNTINGTON —With an unusually large amount of free cash available this year to the town, most of the discussion from residents during Town Meeting last week was on several articles on the warrant related to using it for increase town employee salaries and fund...
Blandford voters pass all articles, including $4.37M budget
BLANDFORD — Moderator David Hopson asked Blandford Town Meeting voters to keep it civil on June 3 and remember they’re all friends and neighbors, no matter their political differences. As the evening went on, the warning seemed increasingly unnecessary, as the...
Western Mass. senators push priorities in budget debate
Following a vigorous May 23 debate session, the nearly $60 billion budget reached unanimous approval by the Massachusetts state Senate. Members adopted more than 400 of the 1,100 amendments filed, resulting in close to $90 million of additional spending with Western Massachusetts lawmakers maintaining the regions stake in funding.
Thousands roll in for this year’s Chester on Track festival
CHESTER — David Pierce, president of the Chester Foundation, said this year’s 33rd anniversary Chester on Track on May 18 had close to 2,000 people in attendance at the town-wide festival.
Budget rising 3.7%, church property acquisition on warrant
CHESTER — Town Administrator Donald Humason doesn’t think this year’s Town Meeting warrant will be that controversial. “It’s pretty simple,” he said. “There’s no particularly controversial matters or anything. It’s just typical town business.” Humason was speaking...
No big changes on 10-item Russell Town Meeting warrant
RUSSELL — Voters in Russell will decide on 10 warrant articles at the Annual Town Meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, June 10, at Russell Elementary School. The majority of the articles in this year’s meeting will allow the normal business of the town to continue under the...