After debate, Granville voters support meals, lodging taxes
GRANVILLE — Town Meeting agreed to adopt local taxes on meals and lodging on May 13, but unlike the rest of the articles on the warrant, it wasn’t unanimous. An extra 0.75% local meals tax passed 28-9. The proposed 6% local lodging tax passed 23-18. In both cases,...
Budgets, water-sewer management project on Huntington warrant
HUNTINGTON — Huntington will host a Special Town Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 3, at Stanton Hall, 26 Russell Rd., to vote on transferring no more than $20,000 from the sewer reserves account into the sewer wages account. Following that at 7 p.m. will be the...
McVeigh tops Loughran in Huntington Selectboard race
HUNTINGTON — Ninety-eight registered voters out of a total of 1,700 participated in the municipal election on May 11, with a close race for the three-year open seat on the Selectboard, formerly occupied by Edward Renaud. In unofficial results, former Selectboard...
Questions remain about proposed sale of Chester electric utility
CHESTER — At an informational meeting on April 22, residents heard from Eversource why they should sell the Chester Municipal Electric Light Department to them. Earlier in the month, CMELD had given a presentation on why the electric utility should remain town-owned. Both presentations are posted at townofchester.net.
Questions raised about annex article on May 21 warrant in Otis
OTIS — The article on the May 21 Town Meeting warrant says a new town annex building would cost $4.5 million, but that number could change based on construction costs and on whether voters want a larger building. At a public information meeting on May 14, Eric...
Selectman race highlights this year’s election ballot for Otis
OTIS — This year’s town election has a competitive race for the Board of Selectmen. Incumbent Therese Gould, who is seeking re-election to her three-year position, is being challenged by Susan Bauer-Brofman, who is seeking change in town politics. Susan...
Backyard livestock, spending to be voted in Montgomery
MONTGOMERY — Voters in Montgomery will decide on 17 warrant articles at the Annual Town Meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, May 20, in Town Hall. The majority of articles ask voters to approve the town budget for fiscal year 2025, with the exception of Article 1, which is a...
Montgomery election hangs on closer look at write-in votes
MONTGOMERY — The town election on May 4 saw a 45% voter turnout, with 229 ballots cast from the 640 registered to vote in Montgomery. The unofficial results are posted on the town website at montgomeryma.gov. Town Clerk Cheryl Masciadrelli said due to the high...
Majority goes for Gauthier in rematch of Chester selectman race
CHESTER — Craig Gauthier has won a three-year term on the Board of Selectmen, beating incumbent Brian Forgue in the town election May 4. Gauthier received 82 votes, Forgue received 60, and one ballot was blank. The race was a rematch of the 2023 special election,...
Railroad, quarrying history will come alive at Chester on Track
CHESTER — The 33rd anniversary Chester on Track on Saturday, May 18, marks the 183rd year since the Western Railroad was opened as the world’s first mountain and wilderness railroad, and the first cluster of stone arch railroad bridges built in America, two miles outside of Chester.