MONTGOMERY — With 119 registered voters signed in and more in the hallway, Town Moderator Steven Pierce said the May 20 Annual Town Meeting had exceeded the Town Hall capacity of 102 and would have to be rescheduled.

“The fire code will not allow us to have the meeting here tonight,” Pierce said, adding that in past years they sometimes had difficulty reaching a quorum for the meeting.

Board of Selectmen Chair Michael Morrissey said it would take a two-week public notice period to reschedule, and asked whether the preference would be for a tent outdoors, which might postpone it further due to rental availability, or to another location.

When asked, Gateway Superintendent Kristen Smidy said the school would be available to the town at no charge, and a date of Wednesday, June 5, at 7 p.m. was set for the rescheduled town meeting in the Gateway Regional High School auditorium.

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