MONSON — The town of Monson recently welcomed Michelle Murdock as the town’s new veterans service officer.

A U.S. Army veteran, Murdock has 13 years of experience in veterans service after serving different roles across multiple towns in the state, including South Hadley, Easthampton, East Longmeadow, Hampden, Wales and Auburn, she said. She officially began her role in Monson on July 1.

Murdock first began in veterans’ service as a volunteer for the organization Disabled American Veterans. In addition to her work in Monson, Murdock also currently serves as the veterans’ service agent for Southampton, she said. Murdock is a resident of nearby Enfield.

As the veterans service officer, Murdock works to support veterans and their families in accessing state and federal benefits from medical support to employment to educational assistance, she explained, highlighting her role in reducing barriers for veterans.

The department also works to advocate for veterans and their families within state legislation, according to the Monson town website.

Murdock explained that she first entered veterans service because she “wanted to give back” and became a veterans’ service officer seven years later after the position was recommended to her.

In an introduction letter to the town, Murdock highlighted her dedication to veterans service, stating, “I owe it to [my peers] for sticking by my side [and] believing in me to continue helping veterans, spouses and their families get the benefits available to them.

“I am excited I can share the information I learn through meetings, training and being part of many organizations keeping all the veterans service officer[s] up to date with the current information,” Murdock wrote.

She told Reminder Publishing that her main goal was to reach out to veterans to connect them with support, noting the multiple events she was planning for the coming months including an annual veteran festival in October and a monthly luncheon to start in September. Other events that the department recognizes include celebrations for Mother’s Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Purple Heart Day and Gold Star families, Murdock said.

Similarly, Murdock also provides support through bringing awareness to other events. On the department’s Facebook page “Town of Monson Veterans’ Service Department,” she posts events from both Monson and surrounding towns, she said, stating that the local veterans’ service departments “work together to fill need” in the region.

During her introduction at the July 23 Select Board meeting, Select Board member Patricia Oney expressed the town’s appreciation to Murdock, stating “we’re glad to have you … you’re such an important part of town.”

The Monson Veterans’ Service Department is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Wednesday as well as Fridays 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Murdock said. Appointments and walk-ins are accepted. The department can be reached by phone at 413-267-4100, ext. 213.

http://facebook.com/MonsonVeteranServiceFor more information about the Monson Veterans’ Service Department and local events, visit the Facebook page at facebook.com/MonsonVeteranService.

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