MONSON — The Monson Community Preservation Committee is accepting applications for Community Preservation Act funding now until Feb. 28.
The Community Preservation Act is a statewide program that allows municipalities to adopt an additional property tax to assist with raising funds for local preservation projects.
Signed by Gov. Paul Cellucci in 2000, the surcharge can be up to 3% and must be utilized for building houses, constructing recreation areas, preserving open spaces or protecting historic properties, according to the Community Preservation Coalition. The coalition was founded by nonprofits to support municipalities with their use of CPA funds.
In Monson, the additional 3% property tax began in fiscal year 2008 after being approved during the 2006 Town Meeting. During the following Town Meeting, the Monson CPC was approved to assess resources and projects concerning CPA funds.
For 2024, Monson’s total funds for preservation projects will include the funds from the 3% surcharge as well as the funds matched by the state and any unused funds from previous years, Finance Director Jamie Farnum told Reminder Publishing. The town is currently in the process of calculating this final total, Farnum said.
Monson’s project application, which can be found on the town website, requires multiple components to be considered. These include proof that the project aligns with zoning bylaws, that the site is controlled by the applicant and that additional funding was secured, if applicable. Depending on the projects’ cost and location, bid documents may also be required, the application states.
Additionally, projects need to be approved by the appropriate town department prior to the submission of an application and applicants must attend any CPC meetings that discuss their project.
In past years, Monson’s CPA funds have been used for a variety of projects, including the 2023 approval of a full-size basketball court at Granite Valley School, a pavilion at Flynt Park and the restoration of town records.
To submit an application, residents should send eight copies to the Monson CPC at the Town Office Building, 110 Main St. as well as email a copy to
For more information, visit the Monson CPC town page. Any questions on the application or CPA funds can also be directed to the Monson CPC’s email.