Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Bridge replacement hearing set for April 3
CHICOPEE — The Massachusetts Department of Transportation will be hosting a public hearing on Friday, April 3 at 6 p.m. at Liberty Church, 780 Chicopee St., to discuss the replacement of the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Bridge.
Beauty Batlles to host anniversary celebration
CHICOPEE — To celebrate Women’s History Month, Ashley Batlle, owner of Beauty Batlles Lounge, an advanced beauty and wellness spa at 46 Cabot St., announced the Empower Her Confidence Drive, a month-long initiative to provide feminine hygiene products to teens in Chicopee and Holyoke schools.
Chicopee gathers to raise Polish Flag for St. Joseph’s Day
CHICOPEE — In one of the more well-attended flag raisings of the year, Chicopee hosted a celebration in honor of St. Joseph’s Day on March 19.
Fill the Food Bank returns for second year April 1
CHICOPEE — In collaboration with the Greater Westfield, Greater Holyoke, West of the River, ERC5/East of the River and Springfield Regional Chambers of Commerce, the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts announced the second annual Fill the Food Bank event on Tuesday, April 1 from 5-7 p.m.
Chicopee City Council approvals to advance Facemate development
CHICOPEE — The City Council hosted a special meeting on March 10 to discuss various items including a real estate transaction to allow the development of the Baskin property to move forward.
Chicopee schools receive funds for expanded behavioral, mental health services
CHICOPEE — Chicopee Public Schools received $100,000 and Chicopee Public Schools Counseling Director Abbey Tenczar talked about the funds and how they will be used in Chicopee.
Adult Day Health Center aims to get people out of the house
CHICOPEE — A new Adult Day Health Care Center invited the community to a ribbon cutting event to announce the opening of the Chicopee Adult Day Health Center at 939 Chicopee St.
Video Game Giants opens location in Chicopee
CHICOPEE — Residents, video game enjoyers and trading card collectors will have a new place to visit as Video Game Giants opened a new location in Chicopee after a grand opening and ribbon cutting was hosted by the city on March 11.
Holyoke, Chicopee colleens talk journey, reaction to being selected
Ahead of this year’s St. Patrick’s festiviites in Holyoke, Reminder Publishing sat down with Holyoke Grand Colleen Moira Catherine Reardon and Chicopee Colleen Daiana Torres to discuss their reaction to being named the colleens in their cities, and the journeys that made them into this year’s colleens.
Chicopee receives update to MSBA Anna E. Barry Elementary project
CHICOPEE — At the Feb. 19 School Committee meeting, Caolo and Bieniek Architects Principal and Project Architect Bert Garnder met with the School Committee to give a presentation on potential sites and updates to the Anna E. Barry Elementary project.