
Beauty Batlles to host anniversary celebration

CHICOPEE — To celebrate Women’s History Month, Ashley Batlle, owner of Beauty Batlles Lounge, an advanced beauty and wellness spa at 46 Cabot St., announced the Empower Her Confidence Drive, a month-long initiative to provide feminine hygiene products to teens in Chicopee and Holyoke schools.

Holyoke, Chicopee colleens talk journey, reaction to being selected

Holyoke, Chicopee colleens talk journey, reaction to being selected

Ahead of this year’s St. Patrick’s festiviites in Holyoke, Reminder Publishing sat down with Holyoke Grand Colleen Moira Catherine Reardon and Chicopee Colleen Daiana Torres to discuss their reaction to being named the colleens in their cities, and the journeys that made them into this year’s colleens.