SOUTHAMPTON — The Southampton Select Board took its July 23 meeting to receive and provide updates on several of its current initiatives and plans.

The town has approved the green energy plans for the Police Department, Town Hall and Library. The update for Norris Elementary School is still in a waiting game, but the hope is for all of the updates to be done by November. The town is working with Resource Innovations for the project.

The updates to the hazard mitigation plan will begin with a kickoff meeting on Aug. 15 with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission. Town Administrator Scott Szczebak explained that it is a little later than he had hoped to start but it looks good moving forward. Szczebak will be joined by the police and fire departments, the board of health and the highway department.

The Select Board also provided an update on the new bridge for the Manhan Trail. An independent review has been completed. The bridge will need to be longer than initially intended as it will have to start, and end, farther back on the riverbank. The board also discussed having different supports than originally thought. The town currently has $50,000 to spend but it is now believed that the project may cost up to $250,000.

“I want to be sure we’re doing the right thing,” said Chair Christine Fowles, who added that they didn’t think it needed such major support.

The board also provided an update on its use of ARPA funds. All funds must be obligated by the end of this calendar year, so Fowles explained that the board would like to see an update on any funds that may not be used so that they can make a new plan for them.

Tina Lesniak
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