Vote yes on Article 6

At the Nov. 12 Town Meeting, Longmeadow’s progress toward building a much-needed middle school could be put in jeopardy by an article seeking to derail the work of the Middle School Building Committee (MSBC). Show your support for a new school by voting yes on Article 6.

Yes to fiber

At our Nov. 12 fall special Town Meeting, Longmeadow residents will have the chance to vote on two articles to bring fast, reliable, affordable, town-owned fiber internet to our community. One article will be the second of two necessary votes to create a Municipal Light Plant, which will allow the town to build and own its own fiber network. The first vote passed at our May annual Town Meeting with 96.5% of the vote. The second article will be to provide funding for the initial steps of the project.

Yes on Question 2

I am writing in support of voting yes on Question 2 on the Massachusetts state ballot. Elimination of MCAS as a high school graduation requirement. As the parent of a high school student in special education, this issue is important to my family, and it is backed by...

Vote ‘no’ on Senior Center project

I support renovation of the Hampden Senior Center, but the current proposal of millions of dollars is not a prudent use of Hampden’s resources. I am concerned that this proposal does not respect the wishes of the residents who voted “no” at both the 2024 Annual Town Meeting and the spring override election, and is simply a way around the will of the people.