Westfield pickleball courts to welcome tournament, high schoolers
WESTFIELD — The city’s Parks and Recreation Commission voted on Sept. 9 to give Ben Kochanski permission to reserve the eight fenced-in courts at the Municipal Playground to run a pickleball tournament from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5, with a rain date of...
Overdose vigil speakers call for more awareness, urgency
WESTFIELD — The city’s annual International Overdose Awareness Day vigil took place on Aug. 29 in Park Square. Attendees agreed the event was necessary for spreading awareness about a problem that isn’t getting any better.

Artist explores lost town under Quabbin in Westfield exhibit
What remains of Dana is the subject of the Westfield Athenaeum’s new exhibit, “The Art of Ron Michaud: The Road to Dana.” The Athenaeum will host a reception with Michaud at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, in the Jasper Rand Art Gallery in the Athenaeum at 6 Elm St., Westfield.

Westfield school cafeterias excited to expand farm-to-table offerings
WESTFIELD — Rachel Kania, director of food services for Westfield’s public schools, said she is really excited about this school year. “I think it’s going to be one of the best yet,” Kania said.

Asbestos on old span is delaying Westfield bridge project
WESTFIELD — After asbestos pipe jackets were discovered on the now-decommissioned Cowles Bridge, the state’s Department of Transportation announced the bridge’s replacement project would be briefly delayed earlier this month.