Strother selected to fill School Committee vacancy
EAST LONGMEADOW — At their joint meeting on Sept. 10, the Town Council and School Committee selected William Strother to fill a recently vacated position on the School Committee.
EAST LONGMEADOW — At their joint meeting on Sept. 10, the Town Council and School Committee selected William Strother to fill a recently vacated position on the School Committee.
EAST LONGMEADOW — The East Longmeadow Fire Department hosted a candlelight vigil on Sept. 11 at the fire station to honor and remember those impacted by the terrorist attacks against the country on Sept. 11, 2001.
MONSON — Monson’s Memorial Hall Renovation Committee was recently awarded two grants to support the upcoming project to repair the building’s ceiling and walls.
In the upcoming Nov. 5 election, incumbent Democrat Paul DePalo and Republican challenger Andrew Couture are both running for the Seventh District seat on the Governor’s Council.
WILBRAHAM — Minnechaug Regional High School student and Wilbraham resident Collin Purcell was one of 100 student divers named All-American for high school level boys one meter diving by the National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association of America.