Letters to the Editor

Laurel Street MassDOT project
I am writing this letter to bring community awareness to the MassDOT/Longmeadow project. I am one of the few residents who will have part of their property seized by eminent domain. I first became aware of this project when I received a letter from the town back in...
Questions about Zeller’s resignation
The recent resignation of Longmeadow Board of Assessors Chairperson Michael Zeller in his letter to The Reminder raises questions on the rationale and decision by the Select Board which led to Mr. Zeller’s stepping down. Mr. Zeller who has 15 years of experience on...
Vote of no confidence
Mr. Michael Zeller recently posted a letter explaining why he resigned from the Longmeadow Board of Assessors after serving for 15 years. He talked about serving our community as an unpaid volunteer while devoting thousands of hours of personal time serving as a...
Concerns over safety of ‘clean energy’ battery storage facilities
Massachusetts should be proactive as new concerns over the safety and environmental impacts of “clean energy” battery storage facilities after numerous fires at these facilities have led governors in California and New York to call for investigations into the safety and risks associated with this new technology.
DPW workers help with sidewalk cleanup
I live at Brownstone Gardens and I frequently walk on the Pleasant Street sidewalk. One cold day recently I was walking and picking up the various pieces of trash left along the way. I normally take a small plastic bag with me, but this day I didn’t, and had my...
Why I resigned from the BOA
I am writing this letter to explain to the residents of Longmeadow why I have resigned as the Chairperson of the Board of Assessors in Longmeadow.
Why did the BOA need a fresh start?
The Board of Assessors is responsible for determining the fair and equitable valuation of all real and personal property in the town and proposing the tax rate, in accordance with Massachusetts laws. The BOA impacts every residence and business.
Clarifying the TWB discussion
I am writing to clarify and correct certain information that was reported in The Reminder article “Leaders discuss potential town offices move.” The current Town House (not Thornton Burgess) was gifted to the town of Hampden by Miss Elizabeth Sessions in 1931. The...
Progress, Triumph, and New Challenges
As the holiday season fills our homes with warmth, joy, and family, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for the trust you’ve placed in me to serve as your State Senator.
Wrong location for middle school
Article 6 is a wakeup call to Longmeadow residents signed by over 300 citizens who agree that the current Williams Middle School site is the wrong location. At the Nov. 12 Town Meeting, voters will get to decide whether they support a new consolidated middle school to be built on the current (WMS) property site despite some major disadvantages which threaten long term consequences for the town.