Letters to the Editor

Sep 4, 2024

Thoughts on reducing school’s tax impact

Letters to the Editor

I have a different take on the new middle school in Longmeadow. I don’t think anyone has touched on this. The new school is going to cost the taxpayers a fortune for all time to come. Do something about this. Put the school at Glenbrook and convert Williams Street...

Sep 3, 2024

Remembering A. Craig Brown

Letters to the Editor

With great sadness, I write to observe the passing of A. Craig Brown, an esteemed member of our community and treasurer of the American International College (AIC) Board of Trustees. Craig, who passed away unexpectedly on Aug. 16, was a man of remarkable integrity,...

Aug 28, 2024

Middle school questions need answers

Letters to the Editor

I would like to respond to the “Excited for new middle school” letter to the editor. First of all, the unnamed safety concerns I was referring to involved the tragic death of a woman using the cross-walk by the Longmeadow High School. There are other issues also,...

Aug 21, 2024

Response to Dobbs’ meme opinion

Letters to the Editor

This article in The Reminder calls for civil thinking in our political campaign to choose an administration to lead America. “Memes are no way to pick a candidate.” I looked up the definition of “Memes” as an image, a video, a text, or a quote that is spread...

Aug 21, 2024

Excited for new middle school

Letters to the Editor

After having read objections to the middle school project for the last five weeks straight from the same author, I felt compelled to share a response. I also feel I should state what seems obvious; the author’s home abuts the property and they don’t want things to...

Aug 21, 2024

Response to personal attack

Letters to the Editor

The Aug. 15 Reminder carried a report of the Aug. 12 meeting of the Longmeadow Select Board. Highlighted in the headline and the article itself is a discussion of filling the now-vacant slot of registrar of voters (voluntary). This appointment is to be filled with...

Aug 21, 2024

Safety, traffic concerns for middle school

Letters to the Editor

The Williams Middle School site being chosen due to its central location for the new Longmeadow consolidated middle school is not in the best interest of the town as it will increase traffic in an already congested area and bring safety issues for the children and...

Jul 31, 2024

Will more kids walk to new school?

Letters to the Editor

One of the stated goals for the new Longmeadow Middle School is a central location so that more students will be inclined to walk and bike to school. For students who happen to live within walking/biking distance to the current Williams Middle School nothing will...