I have a different take on the new middle school in Longmeadow. I don’t think anyone has touched on this. The new school is going to cost the taxpayers a fortune for all time to come. Do something about this. Put the school at Glenbrook and convert Williams Street to senior housing like at the corner of Laurel and Converse. Then it would pay taxes to defray the cost of the new school and would put no tax pressure caused by new students coming into the system. We all know every time a family with children moves into town the property taxes don’t come close to covering the cost of educating the kids. Taxes skyrocket. The rest of the property could be zoned business and could be developed. Offices for business and medical could be put in. Maybe a restaurant or convenience store, or best of all a MacDonald’s. That way the high school and middle school kids could help pay the taxes and defray the cost of their own education. This town pays way too little attention to the crushing tax burden, especially on its seniors. It’s time to show some concern for the taxpayers, not the children. Thank you.

Paul Basile

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