Chris MAza

About Chris

As Managing Editor of the Hampden County East publications, Chris is the primary editor for the East Longmeadow Reminder, the Ludlow/Monson Reminder and the Springfield Reminder. Chris also contributes occasional opinion columns for the weekly editions, as well as reporting in each of the publications he oversees. Chris also serves as a host on The Reminder’s podcast, “So That Reminds Me”.

Feb 2, 2025

New opportunity has me reflecting on the past

Chris Maza

This is all a very longwinded way of introducing myself as the new executive editor for Reminder Publishing. It’s hard to explain what I plan to do without first explaining where I’ve been. I suppose a much simpler way to put it is I’m a news man and I always have been, whether I knew it or not.

Apr 24, 2023

Disney’s briar patch was too thorny to go unpruned

Chris Maza

As I write this column, my family and I are in the final days of preparation for our trip to Walt Disney World. In the interest of full disclosure, we are “those people” – a Disney family. My wife and I celebrated our honeymoon, fifth and 10th anniversaries at the...

Jan 25, 2023

The case of the missing reporting: a mea culpa

Chris Maza

By now we’ve all seen the Saturday Night Live bit. We’ve seen the national news article shared on social media forums for the 100th time. We know – the lights at Minnechaug Regional High School won’t turn off. Many of our faithful and passionate readers have...