Where and when to vote in state primary election
Residents will soon have the opportunity to vote in the upcoming state primary election on Sept 3. To share information on where and when to vote on election day, Reminder Publishing created a list of polling locations to help residents of East Longmeadow, Hampden, Longmeadow and Wilbraham.
Wilbraham Fire Department awarded federal grant for new fire engine
WILBRAHAM — The Wilbraham Fire Department was recently awarded $690,476 from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to support the purchase of a new fire engine, the department recently announced.
HWRSD moves forward with returning Thornton W. Burgess School
WILBRAHAM — During its Aug. 22 meeting, the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School Committee officially voted to move forward with conversations surrounding modifying the lease agreement between Hampden and the distric over future use and ownership of Thornton W. Burgess School.
Officials discuss crime, legislative priorities at Sheriff’s Picnic
SPRINGFIELD — Considered by many to be the political event of the year in Western Massachusetts, Hampden County Sheriff Nick Cocchi’s annual golf tournament and picnic again drew a bevy of local and state elected officials.
Trot for Tom event honors Wilbraham resident, raises money for neurological disease research
WILBRAHAM — The Trot for Tom Run and Walk will take place on Saturday, Sept. 14 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Minnechaug Regional High School to celebrate the life and values of Wilbraham resident and scientist Dr. Thomas “Tom” Julian.
Early voting for state primary election opens Aug. 24
With the Sept. 3 State Primary election just around the corner, early voting in East Longmeadow, Hampden, Longmeadow and Wilbraham will begin on Aug. 24.
Wilbraham Senior Center to open memory café on Sept. 9
WILBRAHAM — The Wilbraham Senior Center will be opening a memory café in September to support individuals in the surrounding communities impacted by memory loss through “a safe, supportive environment and social gathering,” the center said.
Grant application approved for mental health clinician
WILBRAHAM — The Wilbraham Select Board approved the grant application for a multi-town shared mental health clinician during its Aug. 5 meeting.
The Sugar Chalet offers good community, house-made treats
WILBRAHAM — Wilbraham business The Sugar Chalet recently celebrated the grand opening of its new location on Crane Park Drive.
Towns awarded Community Mitigation Fund money
East Longmeadow, Longmeadow and Wilbraham were among the towns to receive grant funds from the recent division by the Massachusetts Gaming Commission of $18 million as part of the Community Mitigation Fund.