Public urges no cuts to music as budget is passed
School Committee member Timothy Collins, wearing a shirt that reads “Fund our Future,” speaks at the March 6 School Committee meeting.Reminder Publishing photo by Sarah Heinonen WILBRAHAM — The Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School Committee voted to approve a $41.46...
Mountain View Dogs training business comes to Wilbraham
WILBRAHAM — Dog training is a science, said Shelby Coolidge, owner and trainer at the newly opened Mountain View Dogs. That is why Coolidge adheres to “force-free” training, which she said is an evidence-based method of instilling positive behaviors in canine companions.
Wilbraham Select Board discusses PVTA assessment increase at meeting
WILBRAHAM — Many people in Wilbraham rely on the buses operated by the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority. And while buses are free to riders right now, the town pays an assessment each year for the service. This year, the assessment has nearly doubled over last year, to nearly $85,000.
HWRSD reviews budget, discusses cuts to staff, programs
WILBRAHAM — Since the Feb. 4 budget roundtable with leadership from both towns and state legislators, placeholder figures have been locked down. While the numbers are becoming clearer, the future is far from certain.
Wilbraham Select Board hears about budget unknowns for FY26
WILBRAHAM — Unknown factors are creating complications for Wilbraham when drafting its fiscal year 2026 budget. At the Feb. 10 Select Board meeting, Town Administrator Nick Breault said he and Treasurer/Collector Barbara Hancock reviewed some of those problematic line items.
Wilbraham Planning Board debates requirements for accessory dwelling units
WILBRAHAM — Accessory dwelling units, such as tiny homes and in-law apartments, were again a topic of discussion at the Feb. 12 Wilbraham Planning Board meeting.
Hampden, Wilbraham discuss capital cost sharing at WMS
WILBRAHAM — The Hampden Selectboard and Wilbraham Select Board met with the Hampden Wilbraham Regional School Committee to iron out proposed changes to the regional agreement. The document, created in 1956 and amended in 1994 and 2015, is the guiding framework under which the district operates.
HWRSD, towns plead case for more ed funding
WILBRAHAM — Each year, when putting together a budget, the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School Committee invites leadership from both towns and the state legislators who represent them to a budget roundtable.
WMA undergoing renovations, chapel set to be dining hall
WILBRAHAM — Light streams through stained glass windows onto tables of students as they meet and share meals under arched wooden beams. That is the vision for the newest phase of Wilbraham-Monson Academy’s Campus Facilities Master Plan — a dining hall housed in what is now the campus’ chapel, along with a commercial grade kitchen and serving area.
Wilbraham Select Board discusses funding opportunities, savings
WILBRAHAM — The Wilbraham Select Board discussed a variety of issues at its Jan. 27 meeting, including possible funding avenues and the potential to save several hundred-thousand dollars.