Kwanzaa celebrations set to take place in multiple cities and towns
With the holiday season here, the Kwanza Collective in the Valley announced 2024 Kwanzaa itinerary, featuring events across Springfield, Chicopee and Holyoke.
Organizations see spike in people seeking home heating help
While nothing is ever certain about the weather in New England, cold winters are a given, and temperatures can sometimes dip below zero degrees. The cost of home heating, be it oil, electricity or natural gas, can be expensive. Local aid organizations have seen an increase in the number of people unable to make ends meet when the mercury drops.
Local families and organizations make generous Toy for Joy donations
The Phelon family and the Roberts family come from different backgrounds to share the desire to help children.
6 Brick’s once again donates money to Patton Alliance for Veterans
SPRINGFIELD — Government officials and other community members gathered on Dec. 3 to celebrate 6 Brick’s cannabis dispensary’s donation of $2,500 to the Patton Alliance for Veterans, a nonprofit organized by the descendants of famed WWI and WWII General George S. Patton Sr. and General George S. Patton Jr.
Fire closes All American Bar, Grill & Patio indefinitely
SPRINGFIELD — An early morning fire on Dec. 2 has shuttered All American Bar, Grill & Patio for an indefinite amount of time.
Cestero offers specifics for AIC’s Pathway to Progress plan
SPRINGFIELD — Several changes are coming to American International College during the next several years in the form of a “Pathway to Progress” plan that the school unveiled last month.
Springfield entrenched in housing consolidation plan process
SPRINGFIELD — The city of Springfield is currently going through the process of gathering public input that will inform a five-year Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development.
Springfield adopts trash rules changes, including mattress fee increase
SPRINGFIELD — The City Council officially approved changes to its trash fees and regulations ordinance during a Nov. 26 hearings meeting, more than two months after DPW Director Christopher Cignoli proposed the updates to the full body.
Springfield Museums welcome visitors to Gingerbread in Toyland
SPRINGFIELD — The Springfield Museums recently opened its 15th annual gingerbread holiday exhibit with a theme of Gingerbread in Toyland.
Toy for Joy gets two important contributions
As the weather turned nippier and Christmas began coming into view, the Toy for Joy campaign gained two important contributions — but still needs more.