
SHA: low audit score was due to software issue

SPRINGFIELD — The low rating given to the Springfield Housing Authority from its most recent audit by the Department of Housing and Urban Development was not unexpected Denise Jordan, the executive director of the agency, told Reminder Publishing. The low score...

Sheriff’s Shuffle 5k/walk to benefit YWCA domestic violence programs

Sheriff’s Shuffle 5k/walk to benefit YWCA domestic violence programs

SPRINGFIELD — Each year, the Hampden County Sheriff’s Department hosts a charity 5K/walk to benefit a local organization that helps the community. This year the race will benefit domestic violence prevention and support efforts from the YWCA of Western Massachusetts, a cause that is personal to Sheriff Nick Cocchi.

Springfield Thunderbirds host Community Caravan

Springfield Thunderbirds host Community Caravan

SPRINGFIELD — The Springfield Thunderbirds visited Forest Park for the second of three Community Caravan events on July 22. The event featured an appearance from Thunderbirds mascot Boomer and team staff, as well as a wide variety of activities and vendors, street hockey activities, and food. The first Community Caravan event took place in June at Look Park in Northampton and a third will take place at Amelia Park in Westfield on Aug. 17, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.