South Hadley
NHN food pantry receives donation after church concert
SOUTH HADLEY — Pastor Anna Tew and Barbara Callan-Bogia of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church presented Neighbors Helping Neighbors Food pantry Director Mary Lou Guarnera a check for $800.
South Hadley Selectboard discusses opioid funds and trash and recycling contract
SOUTH HADLEY — During its Selectboard meeting on May 21, the group discussed the new process for approving opioid funds and approved a new trash and recycling contract.
SHEA and Mosier staff submit vote of no confidence for principal
SOUTH HADLEY — The South Hadley Education Association have submitted a letter to Superintendent Mark McLaughlin and the School Committee to express a vote of no confidence in Mosier Elementary School Principal Cynthia Flynn.
South Hadley Town Meeting approves 32 of 34 articles
SOUTH HADLEY — Town Meeting members gathered on May 8 to vote on special and annual Town Meeting articles. Between the two meetings there were 32 articles approved, with one being tabled and another was agreed to not be voted on.
Anita Anderson Cooper excited to become chorale’s next music director
SOUTH HADLEY — The South Hadley Chorale recently announced the appointment of Anita Anderson Cooper as its music director/conductor.
FY25 budget approved at Town Meeting after residents voice concerns
SOUTH HADLEY — Annual Town Meeting took place on May 8 and many residents took the chance to express their concerns with the fiscal year 2025 budget when it came up on the warrant with Article 10.
South Hadley fills out committees during joint meeting
SOUTH HADLEY — The Select Board and School Committee met on April 30 to fill the vacant School Committee seat and appoint members to the Mosier Elementary School Building Committee.
Lifelong Thunderbirds fan gets to live out dream
In celebration of Fan Appreciation Night on April 20, the Springfield Thunderbirds announced that South Hadley High School sophomore Brady Denniston would be the team’s public address announcer for the season finale, filling in for regular PA voice Steve Forni.
Warrant available for South Hadley’s Town Meeting
SOUTH HADLEY — The special and annual Town Meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 8 at 6 p.m. at South Hadley High School, 153 Newton St. The two warrants feature a combined 34 articles and can be found at Town Hall or online at The special...
South Hadley hosts public hearings for sewer rates and trash collection
SOUTH HADLEY — The Select Board, Town Administrator Lisa Wong and DPW Director John Broderick hosted two separate public hearings on April 13 to discuss changes to trash collections and sewer rates. Town Administrator Lisa Wong first discussed why the trash...