Jeff Rousseau.
Reminder Publishing submitted photo

ENFIELD — Jeff Rousseau was sworn in as the new councilor for Enfield’s District 3 on Sept. 3. In his new role, Rousseau hopes to bring a fresh set of eyes to the council.

“I am a newcomer to politics. In following the political scene in Enfield, I believe the town could benefit from someone who brings some new ideas and perspectives,” explained Rousseau. “I hope to bring a commonsense voice as a council member and make good, sound decisions for our residents.”

Rousseau assumes the seat from Doug Fisher who recently resigned from the council. After following town politics and the council for some time, Rousseau decided to go after the seat as a way to give back to and serve his community.

“I knew if I were chosen to fill the vacancy it would allow me to continue to serve the community in a positive way that is a bit different than I am accustomed to,” said Rousseau, a longtime youth sports volunteer.

One of the issues Rousseau hopes to help address is the status of youth sports and the condition of athletic fields in the town.

“I have been volunteering with youth sports my entire life. I’ve had a bird’s eye view of what other towns offer for recreational fields and facilities,” noted Rousseau. “Unfortunately, Enfield needs a lot of improvement in this area. We need to ensure our children have safe and playable fields and facilities. Along with good schools, and reasonable taxes, I believe quality recreational areas are a significant factor for a family that is considering raising a family in Enfield.”

Rousseau also noted that the recent elimination of middle schools and freshman sports has had a negative effect on the town’s youth and, although it wasn’t a council decision, he believes the town needs to find a way to bring them back.

Another of Rousseau’s main concerns is improving the town’s infrastructure while trying to keep the taxes reasonable for residents.

“I believe we have some catching up to do with our critical infrastructure within the town. As a councilor, I hope to place a lot of attention on improving areas of infrastructure that have been neglected for far too many years,” said Rousseau. “As a town, we need to find creative ways to provide quality services to our residents without burdening them with high taxes.”

Rousseau reiterated his desire for people to work together to solve the problems that the town faces to ensure a successful future for everyone in the town.

“I look at the council as a team and look forward to working together with my fellow councilors to ensure Enfield wins,” explained Rousseau.

Tina Lesniak
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