WILBRAHAM — The Wilbraham Select Board discussed a variety of issues at its Jan. 27 meeting, including possible funding avenues and the potential to save several hundred-thousand dollars.

Town Administrator Nick Breault and Select Board Chair Susan Bunnell shared that they had attended the Massachusetts Municipal Association’s trade show, Connect 351. Based on information Breault learned there, he said he was confident that the state revenue would come in slightly higher than expected by the end of the fiscal year and there would be an increase in unrestricted aid. Breault also said there was a proposal to increase the Chapter 90 state aid, which funds road improvements, by $380 million statewide.

Bunnell spoke about a Deerfield project to turn a vacant parcel into green space that was paid for with federal funding. One of the factors that made Deerfield eligible for the funding was proximity to environmental justice communities. Sharing a border with Springfield may help Wilbraham’s eligibility for similar funding, she said.

Moving to another funding issue, Breault suggested the town pursue a 15-year bond on the debt related to the Senior Center. He explained that a 15-year term would result in “significant savings” of between $600,000 and $700,000 in interest compared to a 20-year term. Select Board member Marc Ducey said the Finance Committee also recommended a 15-year bond. No decision was made during the meeting.

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