LUDLOW — At the last meeting of her tenure with the Ludlow School Department, Director of Operations and School Business Manager Kathleen Demetrius reported that the end of fiscal year 2024 is wrapping up well, but a substantial amount of money remains unencumbered.

Demetrius said the exact figure was not yet known due to some bills being scheduled for payment in July. However, as of the June 25 meeting, she estimated that between $300,000 and $500,000 of the district’s $39.88 million FY24 budget would not have been used by the end of the fiscal year five days later. She cited unfilled positions as the main factor in this.

“We still need these positions,” Demetrius said, noting that there is money left over in the salary lines for substitutes and permanent positions.

Superintendent Frank Tiano explained to the School Committee that he had been searching for people to fill the positions, but remarked, “Just because 25 people apply, doesn’t mean 25 people are qualified.”

Unspent money left from the budget at the end of the fiscal year will be returned to the town. It is not uncommon for money to be returned to the town at the end of the fiscal year. Demetrius said close to $300,000 was returned at the end of FY23.

The School Committee members thanked Demetrius for her work on behalf of the Ludlow School Department. School Committee member Jeffrey Stratton said the budget process has moved forward during her time “in terms of transparency.”

Demetrius was set to retire at the end of the fiscal year, on June 30. She will be replaced by Michael Buhl, who has worked for Holyoke Public Schools for eight years, the last two of which have been as the chief financial officer.

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