Longmeadow High School senior Ayslin Dziedzic is Springfield’s Colleen for the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Parade.
Reminder Publishing photo by Sophie Markham

SPRINGFIELD — Growing up, Longmeadow High School senior Ayslin Dziedzic was always enamored by the idea of becoming colleen.
Like most large Irish families, Dziedzic’s would celebrate the annual Holyoke St. Patrick’s Parade with a yearly gathering featuring countless relatives. During these get-togethers, as the extravagant colleen floats rolled by, the 18-year-old would dream about the day she could represent her heritage and community in the iconic local celebration.

Fast forward to 2025, that dream is now a reality for the graduating senior.

At a ceremony in early February, the Springfield St. Patrick’s Parade Committee crowned Dziedzic as the city’s 2025 colleen for this year’s parade, an honor that Dziedzic does not take lightly.

“I’m honestly grateful,” Dziedzic said in an interview. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it’s something that I’m not going to take for granted.”

Throughout her high school career, Dziedzic has balanced a strong academic performance with a commitment to extracurricular activities and community service, according to the Springfield St. Patrick’s Committee.

Aside from her involvement and demonstrated leadership in initiatives like Key Club, Her First, Homework Club and tutoring elementary school students, Dziedzic has also participated in Huntington’s disease walks, Lyme disease conferences, Stroll for Strength, A Walk for Kat and sports such as basketball and soccer.

Additionally, she is part of the highly regarded Western Mass. vocal group, The Dan Kane Singers; an experience that Dziedzic said has fostered her love of singing and her appreciation for community service.

As Springfield’s new colleen, Dziedzic said that her love and appreciation for her community has blossomed even more.

“I think being able to connect with new people is why I did it,” Dziedzic said, when talking about why she pursued colleen. “It’s just another branch of opportunity for community service, and I think that that’s been something that’s been extremely important to me.”

There is also the personal aspect of this entire journey. In her interview with Reminder Publishing, Dziedzic talked about her deep admiration for her mom, who once served as the Holyoke grand colleen and always told her daughter stories about the relationships she formed through that experience.

Now a colleen herself, Dziedzic is not only able to share that familial connection with her mom, but she also plans to visit Ireland with her this summer to learn more about the Irish heritage.

“There’s family members living in Ireland that I look forward to connecting with,” Dziedzic said. “I’m very excited to embrace my Irish heritage and learn more about where I came from.”

Springfield’s new colleen also has a bright future ahead of her. Dziedzic said she has committed to the University of Mississippi to pursue broadcast journalism with an emphasis on sports media, a pathway that accentuates her gregarious personality and her desire for a new experience.

“I’m excited to just kind of familiarize myself with some new things and be able to explore whatever college life has to give me,” Dziedzic said. “I love communicating and talking to people; that’s why I chose communications.”

As for the colleen experience itself, the high school senior is thrilled about the relationships she has formed and expressed jubilation for what is to come along this journey.

She specifically emphasized her excitement for parade day itself and said she looks forward to joining her court, which includes Sarah Deponde, Chloe Sullivan and Cara Pagnoni, on the float during the renowned celebration.

“The connections I’ve made over the past few weeks; these are friendships that will never leave,” Dziedzic said. “I’ve realized that [being colleen] is so much more than just being on the float. It’s about your community, and it’s about giving back to others that give to you.”

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