Toy for Joy gets two important contributions
As the weather turned nippier and Christmas began coming into view, the Toy for Joy campaign gained two important contributions — but still needs more.
Enfield Library accepting submissions for annual Festival of Trees
ENFIELD — The festival, open to all, kicks off with an opening reception on Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m. with light refreshments, music, and fun and games. The exhibit is open until Dec. 31.
Enfield Senior Center to host annual Holiday Craft Fair
ENFIELD — The Enfield Senior Center’s Holiday Craft Fair will take place on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 8 a.m. to noon. There will be unique gift items handmade by the Senior Center members, a quilt raffle, teacup raffles, a pancake breakfast by the Enfield Lions Club and more. All the money raised from the craft fair goes directly toward the center.
Parkman School PTO brings back Fall Fair Nov. 22
ENFIELD — The Parkman PTO’s annual Fall Fair is taking place Nov. 22 from 5-8 p.m. at Edgar H. Parkman School, 165 Weymouth Rd.
Enfield Loaves and Fishes to host food drive
ENFIELD — As the needs of residents continue to grow, Enfield Loaves and Fishes wants to ensure that everyone is fed, both at Thanksgiving and year-round.
Christmas bazaar set to return to St. Joseph’s
ENFIELD — St. Joseph Residence will have its annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 16 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and a Tag Sale on Friday, Nov. 15, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The bazaar will have raffles, baked goods, food games and much more.
Building strength and confidence with fencing
ENFIELD — The study of fencing offers its young students a unique opportunity to build skills that will help their future selves. The New England Blades, a new fencing club in Enfield, focuses on developing young athletes into high-level fencers who can use their skills outside the fencing world.
Powder Hollow Brewery celebrates 10 years in Enfield
ENFIELD — Mike McManus has every reason to celebrate. He’s raising a pint glass in celebration of his success after opening Powder Hollow Brewery, which was Enfield’s first brewery.
Tree-mendous event to raise funds for Food Shelf and Woman’s Club
ENFIELD — The holiday spirit will be high at the annual Tree-mendous Holiday Event the first weekend of December, with decorated trees and wreaths being raffled off to benefit The Woman’s Club of Enfield and Enfield Food Shelf.
Craft fair to support veterans, service members in need
ENFIELD — Combat Feathers Corporation’s 8th annual Craft and Vendor Fair will take place on Saturday, Nov. 9 at the Enfield Elks Lodge at 138 North Maple St. from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.