Patrons browse the records at the previous Record Riot.
Photo credit: John Bastone

ENFIELD — Record Riots will have its second Enfield Record Riot on Sunday, March 16 at American Legion, 566 Enfield St.

Admission is $5 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and early admission is $10 and begins at 8 a.m. There will be over 40 tables of LPs & CDs. If you’re a music lover and avid record collector, this is your chance to walk into vinyl record heaven, digging in the crates for some of your favorite artists.

Co-owner John Bastone of Record Riots said, “The first Enfield Record Riot exceeded expectations. This year, we hope to have the same success. We’ll have 25-30 vendors, so it’s like having 25 record stores in one stop.”

Record Riots have been hosting vinyl record shows for about 19 years.

The first real Record Riot took place on June 29, 2008, in Brooklyn, New York, at the Polish American club, Warsaw, in Greenpoint. Since then, Record Riots have run 50 to 60 different events a year ranging from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

“I’ve been collecting records since I was 4 years old,” Bastone said. “I’ve always had a passion for record collecting and I’m really happy I was able to turn my life-long passion into something I was able to make a full-time living at.”

For more info about the Enfield Record Riot, email johnbastone@optonline.net. To learn about Record Riots, visit recordriots.com.

Miasha Lee
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