Veterans Day ceremonies begin at Old City Hall.
Reminder Publishing photo by Trent Levakis

EASTHAMPTON — The community of Easthampton gathered throughout the city on Veterans Day to honor those who serve the nation. Starting outside of Old City Hall, a delegation of VFW Post 3422 and Legion Post 224 veterans gathered for a small ceremony and rifle salute at the city’s civil war memorial. That was followed by a small ceremony at the Brookside cemetery Veterans Monument for a repeat of ceremony. One last performance from the delegation and rifle salute came at the monuments at the Emily Williston Memorial Library. Ceremonies closed at the American Legion Post afterwards.

Top row, from left, Easthampton’s civil war memorial at Old City Hall. Local police and veterans pay their respect during the city’s ceremony at the Brookside Cemetery Veterans Monument. The rifle salute takes place at the Brookside Cemetery Veterans Monument. Middle row, from left, Members of VFW Post 3422 and Legion Post 224 line up at Brookside Cemetery Veterans Monument during Veterans Day ceremonies. Local vets salute the Brookside Cemetery Veterans Monument. The veterans monuments at the Emily Williston Memorial Library following the ceremonial laying of the wreath. The veterans monuments at the Emily Williston Memorial Library following the ceremonial laying of the wreath. Bottom row, from left, The flag is raised during the Easthampton Veterans Day ceremony at the Emily Williston Memorial Library. The ceremonial laying of the wreath takes place. Easthampton veterans proudly came out for the holiday. Easthampton residents show respect to veterans during the ceremony.
Reminder Publishing photos by Trent Levakis

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