K and E Theater Group’s “Believe — A Holiday Celebration” brings cheer through holiday musical performances. Members of the first “Believe” show back in 2021.
Photo credit: K and E Theater Group

LUDLOW — Just in time for the holiday season, K and E Theater Group is back presenting its holiday fundraiser, “Believe — A Holiday Celebration” hosted by the Exit 7 Players Theater in Ludlow.

K and E Theater Group works to further the education of and provide dramatic art and entertainment to the surrounding Western Massachusetts communities, actively recruiting new performers and enriching the performers experiences as they interact with theatrical arts.

The concept of the event was born from the creative minds of K and E through Music Director David Cavallin, Vice President Ken Comia, Secretary Melissa Dupont, co-Social Media Manager David Webber and President and Artistic Director Eddie Zitka. Now in its third iteration, this time the shows will be hosted by the Exit 7 Players Theater.

“It’s our first time staging it at the Exit 7 Players Theater. They invited us to present our fundraiser there, so we were happy to bring back ‘Believe,’” said K and E Vice President Ken Comia. “It was just a matter of having the donated space with bringing in some holiday cheer and having it end our very packed season that we’ve just completed after finishing our last production.”

Shows will be on Friday, Dec. 13 and Saturday, Dec. 14 at 7:30 p.m., and again on Sunday Dec. 15 at 2 p.m., and the holiday concert features both classic and modern holiday music that is sung by nine performers with accompaniment by piano.

“It’s a presentation of songs in a way that tells a story and there’s no dialog, it’s just music that hopefully people will see a story being told,” said Comia.

Tickets are $22 at the door but can be preordered online at ketg.org for an additional $2.23 fee. Children under the age of 3 are free.

Comia added almost all of the performers involved have some sort of previous work done with K and E and across stages in the Pioneer Valley. This year’s cast features Michael Borges, David Cavallin, Kelly Gagner, AJ Kirby, Kathy Renaud, Carina Savoie, Tina Sparkle, Chris Webber and David Webber. The show is directed by Eddie Zitka with musical direction from Cavallin.

“I think we’ve disassembled some of the best vocalist from the area to sing holiday music and perform on the Exit 7 stage,” Comia said on expectations for this year’s performers.

Comia called the event very critical in fundraising efforts each year and it is always helpful in the community assisting the theater in getting a leg up on funding. He added it also serves as a great capping off to each year and into the next.

“It’s a celebration of what holiday music and how that brings up together,” Comia said. “I always feel like this is an awesome opportunity to not pass up to celebrate the year, celebrate the season and celebrate the future.”

tlevakis@thereminder.com |  + posts