Librarians support book access laws, get few calls for bans
Book bans and attempted bans at public libraries across the country are increasing, and not just in conservative-leaning states. Even in Massachusetts, some libraries have been challenged by groups that want to restrict access to what books and other materials are...Archives talk to look at Mayor Burke, city’s political culture
WESTFIELD — The next installment of the Westfield Athenaeum’s “Archives Dives” with local historian Bob Brown will use Alice Burke’s experiences as mayor as a jumping-off point to talk about the city’s government and political culture.
Longtime conservation board chair will resign next month
WESTFIELD — Conservation Commission Chair David Doe recently announced his retirement from the board after 32 years of working for the city, 20 years on the commission, 15 as its chair, and 12 years on the School Committee.
Westfield teachers, volunteer readers honor Dr. Seuss
WESTFIELD — Local schools joined in a national event on March 1 to celebrate the birthday of famed children’s author Dr. Seuss as part of Read Across America, which encourages students to read.
Private donors help city buy ex-rectory as police station site
WESTFIELD — Thanks to a few private donors, including a large anonymous gift, the city will be able to acquire the former Blessed Sacrament rectory property, for use as a new police station site.